This blog was originally posted on Facebook on 13th January 2015. We reproduce it here to give readers an insight into the constant harassment suffered by us during the writing of The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy.
*** A message to all our supporters worldwide – especially those from Thailand. As you all know from our posts, the writing of The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy has been emotionally draining and, at times, fraught - particularly for the ex-trainer known as David Capello, who has had to re-live the horrors of yesteryear. A tragic story made even more heart breaking with the addition of new material gifted by the mystery contemporary that has seen fit to come forward. The immeasurable damage inflicted by Margaux Dodds of the small UK charity Marine Connection, and her cohort Gaye Hunter, has proved crippling. Further, despite this story having already won three awards, UK media and all major charities have contributed to slowly but surely erasing it from the public gaze – a tactic used successfully over 40 years ago, when an exposé surrounding Capello and a contemporary was scheduled to be published in a prominent Sunday newspaper. The reaction of the charities is particularly disheartening, as is the reaction of many of the ‘professional’ Facebook pages linked to Marine Connection and Ric O’Barry. In particular, we would like to name the FB page I Love Dolphins – ostensibly run by (supported and maintained by WDC) and promoting the following websites: 1. Save Japan Dolphins ► 2. Dolphin Project ► This page contacted us refusing to offer support and citing the libellous blog originally distributed around Facebook and other organisations by Gaye Hunter on behalf of Margaux Dodds of Marine Connection. In those early days, we were naïve enough to think that we were addressing the genuine concerns of activists. However, we later discovered that this blog – written by the notorious self-proclaimed dolphin ‘expert’ and hated pro-captivity conman JOHN DINELEY - was being used solely as an excuse to discredit Capello and his story. How do we know this? Because Mr Dineley has created numerous scathing, ill-composed scribbles attacking Blackfish, Death at SeaWorld, PETA, RSPCA, Ric O’Barry etc, etc, etc, yet it seems the only blog to be believed is the one written against Capello and The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy – a story Mr Dineley, in particular, has good reason to fear. We ask you all to take time to ask yourselves why all these so-called anti-captivity elements have chosen to align themselves with a minion of the corporate beast that is the captive cetacean industry? Who or what are they protecting? Could it be their lucrative incomes? Or could it be their close association with the Backhouse character – the villain of The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy? The reason why we had decided to close the Facebook accounts was due to the intense stress erupting into a disagreement between the authors about naming names – an impasse that has now threatened the completion of The Perfect Pair project. However, due to the number of enquiries we have received since our announcement, we have now reached a compromise: we will not close our accounts, but will leave them open to give our friends and supporters an opportunity to read this post. Meanwhile, we will not be posting again until we reach a firm decision as to whether or not we feel able to continue. We thank you all for your support and kindness, and hope that you understand the predicament in which we find ourselves. Please be assured, should we decide NOT to complete the third book, a post WILL be made informing you of the fates of Duchess, Herb’e, Baby and Scouse. We would not be so cruel as to leave you all in limbo, and – besides - we owe it to our four beautiful Atlanteans to let the world know what actually happened to them. A post will also be made naming all the charities and personalities we approached for help, with a brief note of their individual responses. Finally, we are still in disagreement about revealing the true name of the Backhouse character – the dolphin abuser who became a celebrity conservationist … and one of the first men to source his captive dolphins from Japan’s bloody cove of Taiji. However, please be assured that ONE of us is determined that he will eventually be named – he will NOT be allowed to get away with what he did. Tracy J Holroyd and David C Holroyd
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